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The RCP_Payments class is for interacting with the payments database table.
insert( $payment_data = array() )
Used for inserting a new payment into the database. The following $payment_data arguments are available:

subscription (string) – Name of the associated subscription level.

object_id (int) – ID of the associated item that was purchased (i.e. subscription level ID).

object_type (string) – Type of object that object_id is. The default is “subscription” to designate this payment is associated with a subscription.

date (string) – The date the payment was made in MySQL format. Omit this parameter to use the current time.

amount (float) – The amount the payment was for.

user_id (int) – ID of the user who made the payment.

payment_type (string) – Description of the type of payment, i.e. “Credit Card One Time”.

subscription_key (string) – Associated subscription key.

transaction_id (string) – Transaction ID from the payment gateway.

status (string) – Status of the payment: complete, pending, failed, refunded.

gateway (string) – Slug of the gateway that was used for this payment.

subtotal (float) – The base price of the payment before credits, fees, or discounts are applied. For a subscription level, this would be the base price of the subscription level.

credits (float) – Amount of credits applied to the purchase.

fees (float) – Signup fees applied to the purchase.

discount_amount (float) – The amount discounted off the purchase.

discount_code (string) – Discount code applied to the purchase.

$payments = new RCP_Payments();
$payments->insert( array(
‘subscription’ => ‘Silver’,
‘object_id’ => 3,
‘object_type’ => ‘subscription’,
‘amount’ => 15.50,
‘user_id’ => 3,
‘payment_type’ => ‘Credit Card One Time’,
‘transaction_id’ => ‘123456789’,
‘status’ => ‘complete’,
‘gateway’ => ‘stripe’,
‘subtotal’ => 20.00,
‘credits’ => 4.50
) );

update( $payment_id = 0, $payment_data = array() )
Used for updating a specific payment. Use the same $payment_data arguments as the insert() method.
get_payment( $payment_id = 0 )
Retrieves a specific payment from the database. Returns a database row object.
get_payment_by( $field = ‘id’, $value = ” )
Similar to get_payment() but allows you to get a payment by any database column. This is useful for getting a payment by its transaction ID. Example:
$payments = new RCP_Payments();
$payment = get_payment_by( ‘transaction_id’, ‘123456789’ );

get_payments( $args = array() )
This method is used for retrieving an array of payments based on arguments. For example, getting all payments for a specific user, or all payments for a specific subscription level.
Available arguments:

number (int) – Maximum number of results (default is 20).

offset (int) – Offset the results (default is 0).

subscription (string) – Name of a subscription level.

user_id (int) – ID of a user.

date (array) – Array of day/month/year values.

fields (string) – Column name(s) to return. Omit to return all columns.

status (string) – Name of a status to filter by.

s (string) – Search value. This will search the email, subscription key, subscription level, or transaction ID.

order (string) – DESC | ASC

orderby (string) – Column to order by.

$payments = new RCP_Payments();
$payment_results = $payments->get_payments( array(
‘number’ => 5,
‘user_id’ => get_current_user_id()
) );

delete( $payment_id )
Deletes a payment record by its ID number.
get_earnings( $args = array() )
Calculates the total earnings of all payments in the database. There are a few arguments that allow you to filter the results:

subscription (string) – Name of a subscription level.

user_id (int) – ID of a user.

date (array) – Array of day/month/year values.

$payments = new RCP_Payments();
$july_earnings = $payments->get_earnings( array(
‘date’ => array(
‘day’ => 01,
‘month’ => 07,
‘year’ => 2016
) );

Getting, setting, and deleting payment meta
Payments have a meta table, just like user meta or post meta. You can use the following methods to interact with the meta table: 

get_meta( $payment_id = 0, $meta_key = ”, $single = false ) – Get the meta value for a payment ID and key.
add_meta( $payment_id = 0, $meta_key = ”, $meta_value, $unique = false ) – Add meta data to a payment.
update_meta( $payment_id = 0, $meta_key = ”, $meta_value, $prev_value = ” ) – Update an existing meta value. If the field does not yet exist, it will be created.
delete_meta( $payment_id = 0, $meta_key = ”, $meta_value = ” ) – Deletes the matching meta for a payment.

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